Safety & Security
In the spring of 2019, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee asked each parish to establish a Safety & Security Team. These teams were charged with formulating security and crisis planning measures that address a variety of potentially serious emergency situations.
In response to that request, your St. Luke S&S Team has been working on a number of measures that are intended to enhance the safety of parishioners and guests in response to ever changing societal challenges.
This tab on the church's website is one of those measures. Using it, and announcements in the church bulletin, the S&S Team will keep you apprised of new St. Luke safety initiatives.
Please know that these initiatives, taken within the church or suggestions posted on this tab, are not guarantees of safety should an emergency situation arise. Life threatening situations can occur rapidly and with little or no warning. It is vitally important that we each be aware of what is happening around us and have some idea of how to respond.
We hope that you find this tab informative. All safety and security suggestions from parishioners are welcome as are those wishing to join the Team. You may pass your suggestions along to any member of the Team. Members are: Tom Freiburger, Phil Beltran, Kathy McGrath, Bob Baird, Cindy & Steve Kruser, Mike Koll, Greg Warchol, Fr. Ken Augustine, and Larry Decker.
The Team would like to thank you for your understanding as we try to address the challenges of today.
Emergency Awareness Plan
Click here to view the St. Luke Emergency Awareness Plan (EAP)
Click here to view training videos for Treat n Go kits
First 7 Minutes
The ""First 7 Minutes" concept was designed by Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel's National EMS Organization, after years of experience in managing casualty incidents of all types. There are 7 guidelines which, if utilized quickly, may save lives. Those guidelines are: safety; calling for help; using additional resources; prioritize; treat; report; and assisting EMS.
Safety- Before running to help, carefully look around to make sure there is no further danger of any kind to you. If something happens to you as you attempt to help, you become part of the problem, not the solution.
Calling for help- Call 911 as soon as possible. An accurate report is crucial. Details include location, type of incident, approximate number of injured, types of injuries, and access points for emergency services. Do not hang up before being told to do so. Make sure all access points are clear for the arrival of emergency responders.
Use your resources- Use bystanders to help initiate treatment and manage the scene. Give them an opportunity to help. 911 will stay on the phone to instruct and calm you.
Prioritize the injured- First aid resources will probably be limited. Treat the most critically injured first. Separate the mobile and immobile into different areas if possible. Organizing the scene is crucial prior to the arrival of emergency teams.
Treat the wounded- Treat the wounded to the best of your ability given your training and the supplies you have available. There may be different types of both external and internal injuries. Suspected internal injury victims must be included among the immobile. High priority victims must receive immediate attention. STOP THE BLEED! Major external bleeding may be controlled using direct pressure. Use others to help.
Report- Multiple calls to 911 give emergency responders more accurate information as the scene unfolds. After the initial call and assessment, report: number of injured; how many can walk; and hazards that require special attention or present unique risks.; images of the site if possible.
Assisting EMS- Assistance should be offer to EMS as soon as they arrive. This includes: showing them to the wounded; helping treat the injured; moving and carrying the injured; moving supplies; logistical support; keeping records of victim transport; and reuniting families.
None of us know how we will react when confronted with a life threatening event, be it a single individual or many. The above guidelines are simple basic steps designed to help any individual, regardless of their medical knowledge, help save lives.
Click the links below to view sample videos
Department of Homeland Security - Homeland Security - RUN, HIDE, FIGHT
California State University - CSU Active Shooter Safety Training
University of Colorado Boulder - Active Harmer Response